Month: April 2021

Wireless Technology in IoT-LPWAN Solutions

Wireless technologies play a crucial role in building complex IoT applications. In today’s IoT ecosystem, there are models of wireless technologies, such as LAN, WAN, LPWAN solutions, and each has additional features and specifications for various use cases.

LAN-Local Area Network
WAN-Wide Area Network
LPWAN- Low Power Wide Area Network

Lpwan solutions

These distinct types of wireless technologies differ in distance, transmission rate, and power consumption. In this study, we are going to add one of the wireless technologies in IoT– LPWAN. This class of wireless technology is used in extended coverage and long-distance communications, as it enables long-range transmissions.

What is LPWAN?

LPWAN Low power wide area network is a type of wireless technology, and it requires low power, has extended operating ranges, and typically transmits a limited amount of data per day. Organizations are looking to reduce the manufacturing and lifetime operating costs of IoT devices select LPWANs. it Can accumulate data from a different device, For example, Sensor., meters or gauges 

Sensors are linked to form a communication network, and all data forwarded to a cloud platform

Cloud Platform

LPWAN Features 

  • wide area-long distance transmission
  • low -power consumption
  • Security and privacy  

LPWAN Applications 

  • Environmental monitoring (Air pollution, temperature, humidity)
  • Smart meter reading (water, electricity, gas)
  • smart Agriculture(water quality, Ph level, oxygen levels)
  • Real-time traffic control systems 
  • management of parking spaces in parking lots

While some stories are shared, others are available only with precise solutions. It’s, therefore, necessary to assess all of them to recognize
which fits your requirements. Below we have a smart review of LPWAN Technologies.

LoRaWAN (Long-Range Wide Area Network)

LoRaWAN uses gateways to send messages, connecting devices, and network servers. These gateways adjust the radio frequency packets they receive from endpoints into IP packets that travel over the network.

A LoRaWAN network server maximizes network size and battery life by using adaptive data rate (ADR), allowing for a dynamic tradeoff between communication range and message duration for each endpoint individually. Among LoRaWAN’s key benefits are:

  • A comprehensive coverage range between Five and Fifteen kilometers, with shorter ovens in urban areas
  • A single gateway can manage multiple IoT devices or End nodes.
  • Widely used solution for IoT applications 
  • By using the Adaptive Data Rate Technique, we can increase battery life and Network capacity 

Organizations should consider LoRaWAN when:

  • An extensive coverage range is required.
  • Data rates above 27 Kbps are not necessary.
  • Latency is not an obstacle: No real-time or Crucial applications
  • The limited time during which the channel occupies (duty cycle) will not interfere with the essential operations of the device.

NB-IoT (NarrowBand Internet of Things)

NB-IoT is Low Power wide Area network Lpwan Technology invented to decrease power consumption and boosts system function and spectrum efficiency, especially in underground and remote locations. NB-IoT Key

selling point is price savings derived from two factors: Lack of complexity in the underlying technology and its absence of need for a cellular gateway to the whole and transmits sensor data. NB-IoT key benefits are :

  • Lower device manufacturing costs determined from simple construction and leveraging chipsets specifically engineered for NB_IoT. 
  • Power ability due to its simpler waveform and the ability to “sleep” when not in use.
  • Strong coverage under urban environments.
  • Reliable coverage Under Urban Environments
  • Reliability and Assured quality of service obtained by performing within an authorized spectrum.
  • It supports large numbers of devices over a wide geographic area
  • A simple implementation is achieved by installing on current networks and leveraging existing cellular infrastructures
  • A Simple Implementation is accomplished by installing on Current networks and leveraging present cellular bases

Industries should consider NB-IoT when:

  • The device will be placed in underground or hard-to-access locations.
  • It doesn’t require mobility.
  • It will not need the high bandwidth necessary to transfer large amounts of data, including large files, voice, or video.
  • It will require an extended battery life.
  • A highly scalable solution is needed to handle an extensive network of sensors.

When is LPWAN the right choice?

Choosing the right connectivity technology is always tricky. IOTS have Distinct options and LPWAn is one Type of wireless technology LPWAN Low power wide area Network Technology is the best choice when devices or sensors are located underground, in remote areas or  deep with urban support, and the primary application for LPWAN’S include smart water metering, gas and fule detectors, smart lighting, and smart agriculture.

How to save energy in commercial buildings?

Enery save in Commericial buildings

Energy consumption is rising over the years in Commercial buildings -shopping malls, hotels, retail, hospitals, office buildings, retail.
And Businesses don’t know how to save energy in Buildings. Below we will look at several sustainable methods through which businesses can become more energy-efficient and self-reliant.

Regular Audits

Regular Auditing in building premises is the primary step that helps to reduce energy consumption. It will give an idea to the resource which devices are consuming more power. 

New-Age technologies 

IoT is the latest technology that is used in Building premises to monitor energy efficiency. IoT can gather information from sensor devices embedded within the system. It Can collect data such as water flow, air pressure, light, and temperature. When integrates with BMS allows continuous monitoring, control & Provides Real-time analytics. It will enable increased productivity and cost savings, revenue benefits.

Focus on insulation

Like India, sunlight is heavy in a tropical country and can make a commercial building use more energy what it needed. Thus, by optimizing and strengthening its insulation, businesses save bills and become more energy efficient. The building’s external layer can be designed and enclosed with insulation materials to reduce heating and cooling needs. In addition to that, fixing doors and windows to avoid air leakages in existing buildings can be a significant step towards this.

HVAC maintenance

Regular preservation is necessary for HVAC systems to reduce costly repairs, Run Scheduled Preventative Maintenace programs, Use Smart technology, and Commercial thermostats to save energy costs..

Energy-Efficient Lighting:

The smart lighting solution is one of the best ways to reduce energy consumption. It integrates with sensors that assure enough light is required and go low on wattage otherwise.

Huge expansive parking lots are one great example where modern facilities require 24×7 lighting. Lighting unoccupied space is a complete waste of energy. BridgeThings smart lighting identifies unoccupied spaces and dims downlights to a preset lower wattage to ensure that energy is not wasted while the spaces are still lit. With wireless capabilities, our smart lighting solution can turn a set of lights into a virtual zone, that brightens up or dims down at once based on the sensor inputs. This ensures there is ample light available when a particular space is being used.  

In conclusion, every commercial building owner or facility manager wants to reduce energy costs and use sustainable and renewable resources. The ways mentioned above can help businesses to start their first step towards energy savings.

How Smart lighting Bring Savings to Industrial Environments?

Despite the financial blow caused by COVID-19, the Smart lighting industry gives great confidence for the upcoming years. Many Industries are enhancing their traditional Lighting with Smart Lighting Solutions to save energy and cost. The smart lighting industry is projected to rise from USD 8.2 Billion to USD 21.7 billion by 2025 as per CARG.

How Smart Lighting helps business

1.Saving energy

LED Luminaires are energy-saving. More than thirty percent of energy is wasted if lighting controllers are not utilized accurately. For industries and other commercial businesses such as Commercial buildings, Hospitals, universities, Etc. where power bills reach lakhs, a thirty percent energy rebate is a significant profit.

For Example, Considering an office area with traditional lighting. Most of the time, the rooms are left with lights switched on until people leave the office. With Smart Lighting Solutions, the sensors continuously provide occupancy data and optimize lighting usage based on the use of the rooms. Hallway lights can be dimmed when no occupancy is detected to conserve energy further. Parking and other outdoor lights can also be managed according to the daylight conditions and occupancy for adequate illumination while being efficient.

2. Productivity increases

 Lighting plays a significant part in defining the functions & energy level of the body. Melatonin Secretion makes people need to rest, and the production of this hormone is nearly associated with lighting conditions.

For Case, a typical day observed, to begin with, low light levels and a color temperature of 2500K. As the day progresses, the light level rises, and the color temperature gradually reaches 4000K. Building lighting should reflect this to reduce the melatonin in our body and to begin the day energetically.

Smart lighting enables businesses to customize lighting according to the day and level of daylight to ensure their employee’s productivity and mental well-being. In Campuses, smart lighting can contribute to the attentiveness of both students and teachers. Smart lighting’s application in hospitals can establish a relaxing environment to boost patient recovery.

3.Reduces carbon footprint 

Although defining what your business’s carbon footprint is can be a challenge, learning how to reduce it is an entirely different one!

At BridgeThings, we educate companies on creating cost-efficient, eco-conscious energy-saving solutions. We provide companies with a comprehensive energy savings analysis and proposal that includes a wide range of energy-saving solutions for warehouses, offices, commercial storefronts, industrial buildings, and institutional spaces.

We are committed to helping you reduce your business’ carbon footprint!

4.Helping the environment

Adding control over lighting in your business, when you choose a smart lighting system, you will help the environment to get a vibrating atmosphere in your building. Cutting back on energy expenditure can fully help the environment for a better planet.

So,don’t think ,Explore the smart lighting solutions @
