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Industrial IoT Solution - Make Your Business Ready for Future
Our customized Industrial IIoT solution can digitally transform your company’s processes to increase efficiency and comply with Industry 4.0 standards. Our solution is based on evolving IoT and data analytics technologies.

The Industrial IoT  solution  includes collecting and analyzing sensor-generated data to support equipment monitoring and maintenance, analytics and process control, and more.

Ready for Digital Transformation with IIoT?
BridgeThings can create and execute an IIoT solution to assist you in eliminating waste, diminishing manufacturing process time, lower running costs, enhancing product quality, and achieving higher visibility into the manufacturing supply chain

IIoT Services We Offer

Consulting and Strategy Planning

Our IoT consultants carefully review requirements and business goals to help companies develop a workable strategy with a project roadmap to build a reliable and cost-effective IIoT system

Custom Industrial IoT Development

To build a holistic IIoT infrastructure, we enforce robust IoT systems, including firmware and middleware for sensors, gateways, measuring and tracking devices, wearables.

Rapid Prototyping

Before we start development, we prototype your IIoT product to test your business idea and ensure it fits your goals and appeals to your target audience.

Systems Integration

We’ve mastered the entire IIoT technology stack, so the device hardware, embedded software, cloud platforms, and applications work seamlessly with other business solutions.


Relying on the business case, BridgeThings can help enterprises leverage the power of Edge AI and perform data processing and analysis locally on the device without the need for cloud storage.

On-premise and Cloud Deployment

Our team of IIoT professionals can deploy your industrial IoT solution in the cloud or on-premises to suit your business and system specifications.

Focus on IIoT Solutions

Precdictive maintenance

Utilize insights from operational data to identify patterns to foresee potential equipment failures, reduce downtime, and plan Maintenance Service

Machine Monitoring

Enhance manufacturing operations withIoT-connected industrial sensors and devices to monitor and control manufacturing machines and assembly line processes.

utilities Monitoring

Reduce maintenance costs and improve the working environment of your employees with intelligent control of your HVAC, humidity, and lighting systems on-site.

Industry Verticals













Benfits of Industrial IoT Solutions

optimize machine

Optimizing Machine Utilization


Predicting and preventing failures


On-time alerting on any anomalies

Machine Performance

Improve machine performance

Increase Efficiecny

Increasing asset life cycle

Reduce Maintenance

Reduce Maintenance costs

IoT Platform

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